
By Frontier

Rice Fields

Max Richter - A Catalogue of Afternoons

Had a hike today and ended up in the elevated rice fields. It was cold, and sunny. The weather changed suddenly and it started snowing. I haven’t gone walking by myself for a long time. I think my mindset was fixated on trying to recreate travel processes I used to do when I was in university. I’d plan, go and then execute; it was very fulfilling.

I think now that I have less time and more money, the value how I use my time has shifted. I don’t walk with the same heir as I used to because I know my time is limited. It’s no longer the open adventure I had with open arms for the future, but instead focused on my responsibilities and any time outside of that, a waste.

Having purpose is so liberating. I don’t need to worry about missing out, or what other people are doing. I can just be.

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