Tomorrow will be a Better Day!

4°C  -  21 mph WSW Wind Speed  -  33 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy  -  Sunny Intervals.  Got a Pensions letter this morning with my tax code for 2022  -  couldn’t understand any of it, so decided to spend the day sorting it out.  What worries me is that if Nikola Sturgeon gets her way and we become an independent country, how will that affect the pensions of people like me who spent their entire pensionable working life in England!  Bet nobodies thought that one out yet.  One shudders at what is happening in Ukraine  -  especially as it isn’t what the people of Russia or Ukraine want or can understand.  A bit of a high wind last night has left my bins in a messy chaos, but luckily if the Met Office is to be believed  -  see my blipped TV Weather Report map  - tomorrow will be a better day

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