
By HareBrain

Harry & Jack

Two adorable little boys, the sons of Katie, an ex-work colleague and great friend (she's an awful lot younger than me, of course!).  I've known her since before she was born, and when she was 15 she came to our legal firm for work experience.  After university and a law degree she returned to the office and a few years later became a Partner in the firm.  Now she is the wonderful mum of 3 little boys, Harry (4), Jack (2) and Charlie Mac (6 wks).  Another ex-work friend came with me to enjoy the company of this lovely family and catch up on lots of good old times.

Not at all good times for Ukraine though.  We shall watch this space for future ramifications, not only for them, but for the world too.  Oil prices rocketing already for one.  

Extras:  Charlie Mac and Princess 'Lola' taking it all in.

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