Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


It isn't always pretty, in the case of this rather mangy looking red fox.  I was driving to a location where I hoped to spot a rare pink-footed goose (nope) when I saw this little fox hunting in a farm field next to the road.  I executed a crazy three point turn in there middle of the road, rolled the window down, and snapped a couple of quick shots.  He did finally get something, probably a meadow vole, but I fear that it won't be enough if his luck doesn't change soon.  Such an extreme difference from the foxes that live in our woods.  

After yesterday's balmy weather, today was windy and bitter cold.  Never the less, the pup and I trudged a mile on the Lane this morning and had some fetch time in the backyard this afternoon.  The rest of the day has been spent cursing as I try to get things moved from PC to Mac.  And while at the same time, learning the ins and outs of the Mac.  My biggest victory of the day was getting Quicken completely relocated.  Still trying to get one of my Topaz programs to move - will probably have to reach out to them tomorrow for help.  And I am trying to straighten out a very messy collection of LR catalogs before relocating the contents onto my external drive.  Oy.

The pup is spread out in front of the fire now, with several of his toys nearby - I guess in case he suddenly wakes up and needs to chew something.  

Snow and ice tonight.  Yuck.

Dark and rich today.


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