
By NancyDrew

Knock, knock

Managed to blip a few things out and about today, they all came out nice. I liked 4 or 5 of them but loved this one. It's a proper heavy knocker on an old disused wooden gate that leads into the yard of a Police station. Isn't it grand?

Didn't see GYM today, tomorrow he will punish me no doubt.

Funniest thing I heard today was a couple talking loudly to each other whilst walking through town, conversation went something like this;
Female "Well I'll give you the money and you do what you want with it, it's your call"
Male "Only if you want me too..."
Female "Better this month because I'm going to London to that thing in May"
Long pause...
Then the male genuinely asks "When is that?"

Priceless x

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