
By grounded

Brave Bear

… and a brave Mum too. Got to say I get rather nervous when Bear needs an “op”. Today the wonderful, kind, caring and gentle Wendy and Tara at Build-a-Bear in the mall at Pembroke Pines,(Florida) opened Bear to remove the old tune from his foot. This is the third and final time as we did not get a new tune put in. He used to have “Take me out to the Ballpark” but as he is all grown up he did not feel the need to have a new tune as each time the battery runs out he requires an “op”. This year William “the chocolate” Bear will turn 20. He was “born” on May 7th at the Fashion Mall shop in Scottsdale Arizona. He is slightly younger than Tara but slightly older than Wendy. He says “thank-you” to Wendy and Tara for being so nice to him today.

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