Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Such a Bargain


It makes me laugh now when I recall friends in the US going ballistic over gasoline prices that topped $3.00 a gallon. I believe they currently hover around $3.50 in most states. While I'm paying nearly 1.60? per liter.

Let's have a math lesson.

1 gallon = 3.785411784
(For simplicity, we'll say 3.8)

Today's exchange rate has the Euro at 1.30602 USD.
(Again, we'll KISS* at $1.31)

So a liter of gas costs roughly $2.08
and we multiply that by 3.8 liters to the gallon.
This yields a price per gallon of $7.90

Yes, friends, I'm filling my tank at $7.90 a gallon. More than twice the US average. That's a painful number. But to be honest, I'm not complaining. Makes you think twice about consumption. We rely too heavily on fossil fuels and I'll be glad the day I can drive a vehicle powered by clean and renewable energy.

For now, I'm grateful that my little Civic is quite fuel efficient and that I can walk most places I need to go :)

*KISS - Keep it Super Simple

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