
I had the most frustrating evening.

I've recorded most of a song* but I wanted to overlay a track played on an external** hardware synthesiser so I got the piece up on the DAW*** and plugged my synth into the interface.

I'm not going to explain the problem in detail but basically I had two variables: the settings in the DAW and how I had everything wired up with the interface. Try as I might, I couldn't get everything to work together the way I needed it to.

I took a welcome break mid-evening when Abi and I went down to Number 9 for a celebratory dinner: today she got the results of her mock 'A' level in English, an A* to go with the one she got for Psychology. She's delighted and so am I; it was well-earned.

(Today's photo is one of the dishes we enjoyed: a baked Camembert.)

After eating, we returned home, I poured myself a glass of wine and returned to the music room to tackle my technical issues. In the end, it boiled down to a single lead being in the wrong input. (If you look at my Extra, that yellow lead should be in the port to the right.)

In fact, that was how I originally had it set up but that was when I had the DAW settings wrong. Too many variables!

*I'm using this term incredibly loosely here.
**The rest of the music has been created within the computer.
*** Digital Audio Workstation. The wondrous software that enables you to compose on the computer using simulations of real world hardware.

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