Camera Shy

By Wildstar

The weather today...

...was fine.   Beach walk with Ginny - went to Thorpe Bay end of promenade to avoid morning's  Park Run.  Beach and promenade walk seems to be always less busy which suits me and there are fewer groynes to climb over. Missed photographic opportunity day today - I didn't trouble to take any camera with me as I wanted to enjoy my walk without carrying anything. Coastguard vehicle and personnel investigating something - not sure what and then the land/sea hovercraft  came along the shore very noisily, landing briefly to recce with the Coastguard before moving off and then coming up the launch ramp further along.  Would have made a better shot if had been closer with a camera as it re-entered the water and roared off in a cloud of sand and spray instead of this distant iPhone capture.  As I completed my walk and turned to come back there was a small gathering of people with more joining, dressed conservatively.  Ginny made a beeline for them and we ended up walking through the middle of the group (they were strung out a bit) but as I noticed they were all carrying a single rose stem I assumed perhaps it was an ashes scattering ceremony.  There was quite a lively onshore wind blowing so I wouldn't fancy their chances of carrying that out without the inevitable blowback - hope they managed it!

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