
By Almondblossom

The tulip and the honeybee

Tulipa Turkestanica is the earliest tulip to flower in my garden. I've got a real soft spot for species tulips, they're so different in habit from the more decorative later flowering tulips but still have that delectable tulip cup-shape. They're scented and a bee magnet. So after Tuesday's buff tailed bumblebee, here's a honeybee enjoying breakfast on this beautiful early spring day. 
The garden is definitely waking up! 

Thanks to BikerBear for hosting the Flower Friday challenge.

More upsetting news from Ukraine today. Poland, Slovakia and Romania are doing a great job taking in refugee families without the need for any documents. I'm angry that our government have decided to continue with their cruel and unnecessary anti-refugee policy. I don't know about you but as I see it, the vast majority of refugees are tenacious, brave, resourceful, multi-lingual and smart. I'd rather have them here than any number of Tory politicians. 
As Sandcrab reminded me to add - we can't also forget Afghan refugees, thousands left behind when the US/UK left last year and most of the families who came here are still in detention. 

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