
By treefella

Nazi Zombie Buddhas :-)

...Rafi using his Eye Gaze Screen device. He can control things on the screen by staring at them, not sure how it works (witchcraft probably) but it is wonderful bit of kit. His big sis Kiera seems to be the family expert on it & set it up for him today and encouraged him to try it. He played a few games on it. I think it takes alot of effort and is very tiring for Rafi, but he did very well. One game involved shooting statues of Buddha which seemed very strange, so we decided to call it Nazi Zombie Buddha shooting which is entirely more sensible?! :-) ...Rafi seemed to enjoy it too

...apologies to any Buddists out there, no offence intended! :-)

Rafi had an eventful day, check out Jackie's blip journal

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