The moon

A day to do things!! Clear blue skies, minimal wind and warmer.

I had planned to meet up with B in Lincoln after his athletics coaching, but it was cancelled. Not that I was disappointed, we could just head in together and get on with things. 

We headed to Dunelm for a new ironing board cover and a shoe rack that I saw on line. In and out speedily, resisting the temptation to browse!!! 

Then on to the Lawn to park the car. We walked through the Castle grounds to the Cathedral to see Luke Jerram’s stunning installation of the moon. It is 7 metres in diameter and has been on display for the last 3 weeks. More details in extras. Today is the last day of the exhibition and I would have hated to miss it, it was awesome.

We had intended to have coffee and cake at Stokes at the Lawn, but when we passed it was absolutely heaving, so we checked out the new Cathedral cafe. It was busy as expected but we got a table and were served promptly. It’s the first time we have been in there and were most impressed, especially the ‘toffee apple cake’.

In the Castle grounds there was a gathering of Steampunk followers, with a collection of stalls selling clothing. Their events are normally held in Lincoln, so there are opportunities  to see the outlandish fashion. I’ve add some to extras, they are fun to see. 

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