
By bananablip


Judging by the typical British commentary on the weather this weekend, we are all just desperately clinging onto the hope that Spring may have actually sprung. My current obsession with home decor is evidence that I need some pleasant days to get out of the house.

This morning, after the delight of hanging washing on the line, I headed out for a run in the sun. Still unused to aforementioned sun, I completely overdressed and sweated my way around. I’m hoping with the lighter nights my running mojo will also magically appear.

Annoying visa news for sproutlover might actually turn into good news for me if it means a trip back to the U.K. and some weekend adventures. This evening we reminisced on the Corrie characters we’ve bumped into over the years (personal highlight: Shobna Gulati) and who would be our ultimate spot (both agreed on Gail).

Back to work tomorrow. I guess it will give me something else to think about other than paint colour.

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