Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands

Sunday Self Portrait

It's been a lovely day today. The sun's been out for the entire day and, for me, that's been a big deal. I love the warmth of spring. Its been a busy day for Little Man and me. We went to church this morning. My brother-in-law was on the Audio Visual AV this morning so we dropped him off at the church building around 8:30. My mother-in-law and I took Little Man out for breakfast. He'd already had his breakfast but enjoy sitting on our laps whilst we ate. We did pop into Starbucks on route back to church.

There was a lunch after the service, which was nice. We brought food with us and then afterwards we dropped my brother-in-law at home before heading to a friend's for afternoon tea. It was lovely, we had a good time and Little Man enjoyed all the attention he got (though he didn't get any decent sleeps in today). So we went to bed early.

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