Giorgia and Ju

These beautiful people are on the island for a plenty of coffees planned! I can't believe how much Giorgia has grown since the summer! Lovely to catch up a bit!
We went over to San An later afternoon and met up with Stephen and Max to walk up the hill behind the town and watch sunset (extra) ever, great to see him. 
Also I'm sorting my Lent plans if anyone wants to join in - reading through the book of John in the Bible - 1 chapter every 2 days with Sundays off. John ends with the resurrection of Jesus so that'll feel very appropriate at Easter! Let me know if you fancy joining too, we've got a WhatsApp group with some people to swap questions/thought/comments etc. 

The kids are sleeping in the tent in the lounge tonight - 10pm and Asha's still reading books to Nate and they sound a long way off from sleep!! 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) These days off from school. 
2) A hug with Asha that pulled her back from serious grumpy and lowness. She just needed some connection...a hug was a bit like magic!
3) Time with Juliette...I miss her not living here any more. 

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