
By OutAndAbout01

Bean there….done that!

I’m not a fan of buying beans from supermarkets but I recently had to top up and wasn’t going to be anywhere near my preferred independent roasters for a while so whilst in Sainsburys decided to buy a couple of bags.

I’ve tried the Union ‘Gajah Mountain’ before so knew what I was getting but quite fancied the ‘Machu Picchu’ from cafe direct who by all accounts run a sustainable cooperative with small independent coffee farmers, very nice it was too. I feel a trip to North Berwick coming on this week to visit the fantastic roasters there.

The weather has started crisp and dry this morning and as soon as it climbs out the sub zeros I will need to give my motor a bit of attention as the interior resembles a skip. I’m still avoiding the news as every time I see new images of peoples life’s being torn apart because of one man’s greed and power makes me angry. 

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