Baby M

I spent the day with Daughter Number 1 and Baby Matty which was lovely. We had a little wander around Wokingham with a coffee and cake while he slept and later I fed him his dinner and gave him a bath. He's a bit under the weather at the moment so a bit grumpy and out of his routine which then overwhelmed DN1 a bit and all of a sudden she burst into tears and said she was just wanting to prove to me that she was a good mum and was worried I might be judging her parenting skills and with him being out of sorts thought she wasn't showing that she was being a good mum. This came totally out of the blue and was really sad to see her like that. I know she has anxiety and we manage that between us but I hate the thought that either of my daughters think they might not be good enough in my eyes and I'm pretty sure I have never given that impression. I reassured her that I thought she was a brilliant mum and that she has raised a happy, healthy, sociable little character and that he was her baby and she could bring him up how she wanted. All I can do is give hints and tips to make her life easier sometimes and she said she really appreciated them. She then realised she was just very tired and emotional after a few broken nights.

My 2 hour journey home was a bit of a pain as there had been an accident on a dual carriageway that I got caught in for 45 minutes. I had to pull over onto a grass verge to let the emergency services past  and was worried I might get stuck in the mud but all was well. Hopefully everyone was ok but with a double decker involved, a taxi facing the wrong way and a white car on top of a red car - I'm guessing someone might be a bit sore. 

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