It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Turf Fen Mill

We got up at stupid o clock. (4:30am) to go to get a sunrise five mins drive down from our holiday house.
No cloud but still utterly gorgeous. 
Turf Fen Mill is on the river Ant and in How Hill Nature Reserve.
I think we've got to come back here in the summer for Bugs!!! It'll be amazing.
Even though there are no clouds the bands of of subtle colour are divine. 
I found being out early is amazing. Its thanks to my new pills I can now sleep at night! Yipeeeee
We have already packed so much in its fantastic but today was meant to pee down all day and although it did this morning its now gone cloudy as we have decided to stay in and have a rest and a day of looking through our hundreds of pictures. 
We are very behind on editing so bare with me.


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