Ukraine: a glimpse, a record

I didn't take this image - of course not. It's a screenshot of a paused videoclip from Melitopol. Despite the blurry quality, you can make out human hands placed on the front of a huge Russian vehicle, as a large crowd pit their voices and their bodies against the oncoming Russian convoy.
Incongruously, the beginning of the sequence shows people holding up umbrellas, sheltering from the rain as they face the convoy. At first, the young soldier who stands next to a smaller lead vehicle seems hesitant; he fires his weapon into the air halfheartedly, appearing unwilling to escalate things further. Perhaps all this resistance surprises him. Is he one of the young soldiers who apparently had no idea of what they were really being sent to do?
Then the larger vehicle accelerates to the head of the convoy. Maybe some more senior and more aggressive man is inside; although the vehicle slips back a little at first - are those hands really moving it backwards? - it soon noses forward into the crowd again. The clip ends soon afterwards.
A few days ago I had never heard of Melitopol. Now I have caught an unforgettable glimpse of people there defending their home, and - for a brief moment - making direct, human contact with the people sent to defeat them.
We spent today looking after Frieda. It was comforting. Chatting to Jack at the end of the day, he said that the phone lines in the charity he works for have been overwhelmed with people asking how they can donate to support aid in Ukraine.

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