
By ferryoons

More! More! I'm still not satisfied!

At some point in the afternoon I reminded myself it's a good principle to live each day as if it's your last (while crossing your fingers it isn't). And it seemed apt given the madman risking WWIII just now.

So we kicked off the morning helping a few friends get donations to Poland for Ukranian refugees. Together we cleared out the old compost bin we inherited with the house. Who on earth thought you could compost pot plants still in their plastic pots, and with the original supermarket tags in place? Still, the thrushes and blackbirds had fun with the snails we found.

Together we shifted barrowloads of soil that Bodger the Builder had left in a heap. It's full of bits of brick and concrete that need sifting out, but that's Bodger.

Together we did other things. Talked to neighbours. One of whom, a former 1960s Aldermaston marcher like me, is furious with UK Government corruption but, only following mainstream media, was totally unaware the UKGov is legislating to disenfranchise swathes of the population and make street protests punishable by jail [ahem, Twitter]. She's even furiouser now! Yet so many people are completely unaware of it.

Then doctor's orders ["look, you can keep taking these pills you don't want, or get your blood pressure down by exercise"] so up the hill to the woods I went. And however lyrical I waxed last week ever more snowdrops have burst into ever fuller flower. And you know what? There are never enough!

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