Northern Star

By Lifferz

Hard hitting

The following blip log contains upsetting info from a live web chat with many Ukrainian contributors this evening. Don’t read on if you are likely to be upset.

Listening to people from Ukraine where there is a huge fan base for one of my favourite bands (guys on the left). I have cut out the guy they were talking to so as to protect his identity.

Really interesting and saddening to hear first hand experiences of what is happening. Lots of survivor guilt from those who have managed to flee or those who have been living in other European countries.

I understand that there are curfews in place and people are allowed outside between 7am to 8pm. Lots of long queues for food.

People in Ukraine on the web chat were asking for donations of batteries and flashlights (specifically head torches).

There was a strong voice from many people in Ukraine about the need to spread the truth about what is happening. I watched
a video of a girl who is living in a basement, she explained how the threat for her comes from the air and air strikes. She explained how her life long dream of watching the Aurora Borilalis has taken a back seat now and her main focus has to be on surviving, coping with fear and making it through this very difficult time.

There are lots of messages coming through from Russian people who feel emotional and embarrassed and can’t believe what is happening. There is confusion and disorientation about what is being fought over as well as the contrast of some media denials that state there is no a war going on at all!

Heart- wrenching to hear the anxiety of people who are unable to contact friends and family, people where the receiver’s phones have suddenly gone dead. Very upsetting to hear from a girl who said she has seen some awful sights, worse than any horror movie she has ever watched.

Hearing air sirens going off and people reporting explosions, live on air was very worrying.

There were about 650 of us online at any one time. Very few from the UK from what I could see.

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