
Went to a supplier of patio slabs in my long lunch time today, checking on the colour of some slabs in person as I try to make a decision about a round patio for the garden. There’s limited choice, to be honest, but you can only select the colour in person. However, it did give me the opportunity to talk to the salesman about grouting options, as the landscaper who is spoken to before suggested using a product called Easy Joint, or something similar. Friends have told me it’s rubbish and starts flaking and coming away very quickly, so I wanted to get another opinion. They recommended another product which they say will last a lot longer but costs more than double the price. It sounds worth the investment but I’ve only their word for it. Hey ho, a decision for another day!

The journey up the motorway in the rain to get there wasn’t very nice - so much spray - I should have waited for a drier day, but at least it’s done now.

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