My first daffie. That'll do for a blip.

Nicely back lit. Snapped. Glance at the camera screen, yep, that'll do. 

Back on the lap top the flowers are the only bloody things that aren't in focus! Grrrr.....

Wading through the reports from Ukraine and Russia and people who just make stuff up. I'd like to call it 'Hitler has only one ball' syndrome. There is so much weighted  and spurious speculative  reporting. Putin has a puffy face - he is on steroids for a terminal condition, his right arm never leaves his side, that has two schools of thought, either rigorous KGB training for access to a side arm or he has had a stroke. He is dying and needs to speed up the reunification of the USSR. Some of this may be true, all of it is likely to be bollocks (sorry Hitler, we need to let that go). 

Anyway - GO UKRAINE! Tell you what Zelenskyy has stepped up to the plate. Cometh the hour and all that. If Putin has him killed that will be a game changer.

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