Bristol Light Festival

My son was in Bristol for work on Tuesday, so we met for the evening, and enjoyed looking at some of the light installations, despite the heavy rain, and a meal at the watershed.
The main one is a huge slinky at the Neptune Steps. The white box shown is a regular size lorry container- to give you the scale. The colour is constantly moving down the slinky, creating the illusion of movement. 
The extra is of a cascade at the Left Handed Giant. Of course a video would be better as the light is constantly flowing. Also shown is the lovely (fairly new) curvy Castle Bridge. The area you see simply didn’t exist before the bridge - it was old warehouses, (some of which.had already been converted into flats.)But the bridge has created a whole new zone of bars, cafes and restaurants. You can see just to the right of the centre an arched pathway leading from the bridge through this area.  And beyond this new homes and offices are being built. The bridge is so busy with pedestrians  now - it’s opened up space and social activity where there used to be just two separate boring banks. Bridges can do magic I think:-) 
PS it turns out I invented the name Neptune Steps:) The correct name for the steps with flowing water by the statue of Neptune is the Cascade Steps

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