Getting Rid of the Evidence

This is the very stuff of entertainment for toddlers and grandparents with nothing better to do with their time. I walked past the demolition site of the old Sick Kids Hospital at just the right time to see the bulldozer perched precariously on top of a mound of earth and rubble, transfer large quantities into a lorry. It was a slick operation and fascinating to watch.
The on-site pile driver which works for long hours at a time was curiously silent today which must be a relief to the poor householders on the other side of Sylvan Place and neighbouring streets.

The Meadows’ crocuses are in full flourish- a riot of purple, white and yellow with some interloping snowdrops still persisting.
The daffodils are about to claim the glory in the areas where they’ve been planted although my ‘illegal’ daffodils at the wall are much slower.

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