By Himself

By Himself

Doo Lough. Sheep's Head

Today I needed some space. I have been working an a big website project for some time and realised I was getting cabin fever so I set off for the end of the Sheep's Head.

The weather was changing as I approached with cloud cover beginning to reveal the Beara across Bantry Bay. As I walked towards the lighthouse the sun appeared and there was blue sky. There is a regular phenomenon here where the weather system splits when it meets the Sheep's Head and we often find ourselves with brighter weather that the two flanking peninsulas - Beara and Mizen.

Today I also found something I have been previously searched for in vain - lettering, made of stones on the south slopes of the peninsular spelling out 'EIRE' for approaching aircraft in WW2 (known as 'The Emergency' in Ireland). Looking down from the top of the cliff I suddenly realised that I was looking straight at it - but expecting something smaller I had always missed it. Sheep have scattered many of the stones now but the letter shapes are still there. (You can see it on Google Earth if you zoom in)

My picture is looking over Doo Lough towards the Beara - the lough living up to its name meaning roughly 'dark lake'. It's a quite spooky, in a dark brooding way and has a very mythical feel - especially towards the end where there is a huge bed of quietly rustling reeds.

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