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By Wildstar

Reasons to be Cheerful....


Struggling to find something cheering to Blip.  How about a tropical white shell beach fringed by palm trees and gently washed by sparkling blue waves. That cheered me up.  Now,  how about the reality - see extra.  Could be worse and I shouldn't mock my own home town as it does provide a good beach walk for me and Ginny even when the tide is out.  Got out early and took a slightly longer walk - wanted openness, horizons, expansiveness etc.  Actually got an increasing number of people and dogs but that was ok - every one of those in this shot had already stopped and engaged in chatter while the dogs said hello and we repeated it all on the way back.  Could have taken a bleaker shot to reflect the day but the dinghy racks provided a bit of foreground interest.
Have enjoyed viewing all the blue/yellow images - gave us something to do while thinking about the country and people's plight.

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