Not bombs…..just sunset!

As I looked out of the AirBnb window this evening and saw this I thanked God that it was a glorious sunset, not bombing! I couldn’t sleep last night and part of it was my mind was thinking of the war in Ukraine! The words of this poem just flowed and my emotions were moved as I wrote it! So sad!!

Convoys snake
The ground shakes
Babies cry they don’t know why
Fathers say goodbye
Will they hug again?
Mothers refrain
From showing their tears
To protect their children
From war that is real.
Babies born in shelters
May never see this world.
Faces gaze emotionless
In total disbelief
That a man could do this
A man who has family
A man who is a son
Will he ever take stock
Of what he has done.
How far will this go
No one knows
Innocent lives will be lost
At what cost.
Power is the root of this
And an evil man.
Young men will die
On the front line
Children will be orphaned
Men and women widowed
It’s just not right.
Bombs drop
Guns fire
Flames light up the night
As humans fight
Under orders
From a man
A dictator
Who thinks it’s right.
Possessions lost
Homes destroyed
No future till this ends
Then life can mend
But when?
How long will this war last
Don’t they learn from times gone past
When devastation rocked the world
In wars gone by.
People flee to places new
Leaving all they own behind
Taking just what they can carry
It messes with the mind.
Possessions suddenly mean nothing
Lives are what really count
Safety from this awful war
Is what it’s all about.
Children so innocent
Are caught up in this trap
Set by a man who can’t know love
How can he sleep at night?
The one thing that we can do
Is pray for things to change
Be grateful for the way we live
And do what we can to help.
These folk whichever side they’re on
Belong to a family, they are a son
A daughter, a partner, a mother
A father…they are a like you and me
They don’t want to fight
But they have no choice
It’s what they’re called to do.
Remember both sides of this war
Are human beings who feel torn
Torn between what’s right and wrong
But have orders to obey
Set out by a man who feels no thought
For those under his command.
They are subject to a monsters hand
Theirs homes have been destroyed
Family members have perished
And all hope is gone…..for now
But one day freedom will come again
And they will rebuild their homes
And life will start anew
Let’s really pray it won’t be long
Before this thought comes true.

We are praying for you all whichever side you’re on …. No one deserves this

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