Nadine Pierce, a snapshot

By nadinepierce


This morning it was off into town for a meeting with someone opening a new chocolate shop in Dunbar and keen to stock local products - she's said she'll def be putting in an order for candles and body balms (and for lip balms when I've got the certification through) - yay!

Then it was off to the Storehouse in Penicuik for a reckoning/restock. That said I forgot the price labels so it just ended up being a stock take, not bad for Jan/Feb.

Then it was back to get everything packed up for West Linton Market tomorrow - its now all ready to load up in the morning.

Also heard some exciting news this evening that a Scottish University is interested in me either selling my stuff as is or as custom branded goods. Should be having a meeting with their Head of Retail in a couple of weeks - exciting. Good work has been done today.

And this was me trying to have a bit of down time and read a business book this evening - Blue had other ideas :)

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