Laboscope app

My little female bluetit that flies with the sparrows, had a new suitor yesterday. She seems more receptive to this one than the last one whom she totally ignored.

So, I have high hopes for this one. 

One lone starling came in, hungrily ate, then left.

The wood pigeon came in, helped him/herself to peanuts. Wood pigeon was on the small bird table keeping the whole lot for itself. And staring at me this way and that way the whole while. 

Magpie came along and helped himself to the dry cat biscuits, then decided he wanted what the wood pigeon was having. But wood pigeon was having none of this and held its ground on the small uplighter lamp bird table. Magpie made several attempts but wood pigeon refused to budge. I thought this was a bit of a dangerous game on the part of the wood pigeon, because I have seen a magpie attack and kill a white dove (not in my garden). I was ready to go out if necessary, but magpie flew to my roof. This is my garden and my rules apply. 

I have another uplighter lamp (which had been in the bungalow until it broke), but that is serving a different purpose elsewhere in the garden, but I might repurpose it...

The regular sparrows were all in their individual groupings with Mrs Blackbird appearing to keep a watchful eye on them all, sounding the 'cat alert' alarm if necessary.

Mr Blackbird doesn't care. He is interested in the snails...I wish he was more interested in the slugs...

The stray cats came in one by one, each checking the coast was clear before eating. 

It is 5:30 am now. I have been awake since 3 am. I might try for some sleep again.

In the meantime, my Creative which is a kaleidoscope again from my bedroom, in Laboscope, Popeye painted in Procreate, and Snapseed for name and frame.

Another cuppa first.

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