Ada's portrait of me!

Yesterday at pre school Ada did the picture and it is of me. You can tell because of the purple hair. A full photo in the extra.  Mel put it in a frame and gave it me today and this is where it is going to live. 
We walked to dancing with Kate and Lucy. Mel, Kate and I are going to do work on the allotment Dom got fed up with it. We are going to encourage Ada and Lucy to help us.
I picked up Lynne and we met my SiL Alison at the garden centre for her birthday lunch. We all had fish and chips. I've never had it served with a flower on before. We had a lovely wander round and then Lynne and I had a lovely walk round Parbold. I'm determined to be more active. I was going to do some gardening but its going to be nice for a few days so I'll do it tomorrow. It has been a lovely sunny day but very cold. Both Lynne and Alison said they had to scrape their cars this morning. 

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