Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom


Piper loves when we have soft-boiled eggs because she always gets to lick the bowls.  Her food bowl has a rubber ring to keep it from sliding on her mat, but our bowls won't stay still.  Her dad takes care of that problem by holding it with his feet while she licks.  She is not spoiled - just greatly loved. :-)  Remembering Admirer with love on this Silly Saturday.  Thanks to carol_dunham for hosting for March, and thanks to davidc for coordinating.  Remember, David always needs hosts for the challenge, and it's only once a month.  Contact him here if you're interested.

Today will be a catch-up day since it's raining - yes, raining and not snowing...yet.  The temperature didn't get low enough overnight for snow and it's still hanging in the mid 30s, just above freezing.  That will change overnight tonight, so "they" say.  Anyway, I hope to catch up with everyone on Blip and get some chores done.  I've put the computer set up on hold this week because I was busy with other things, but I hope to get back to it this weekend as well.

I'm grateful for the week of nice weather we had before this change.  March is historically our snowiest month.  I'm hoping that won't come to pass this year!

I've decided to add blue and yellow to all my blips in solidarity with Ukraine.  

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