Where I do DIY

Apparently it’s nearly impossible to drill holes in your van. We broke two drill bits, did less than half and then I got bored. Jay’s research has presented another approach so I will try that tomorrow.

Lovely walk at lancing ring before that, all the spring happening despite a freezing wind and 5 degrees. There was blossom, wild violets, daffodils and that spiky bush with yellow flowers that I can’t remember now.

Popped to my mums to collect a suitcase for my next weekend adventures, are had no time for me as had friends imminently arriving. She offered me a glass of water but no hot drink. Clare arrived as I was leaving so collect a piece of steak, I had no such offer. I refused the water but happily took my suitcase.

Then drilling stuff. Then I finished my new dress, made tea, watched telly with the boys.

And the fish monger has been handy with the paintbrush. It wasn’t until I looked at it after I noticed the Molotov cocktail. What horrible times. If you don’t know her already, do look at Olia Hercules on Instagram. Ella and I did her dumplings zoom evening a few months ago, she is wonderful and makes my eyes leak every day.

Edit: Gorse!!!

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