janes world

By JustJane

Auld burds

We are now the old burds of the fire servrce, all of us been in for 21/22 years. 
The new young uns are slowly taking over as one by one we retire from the job. 

Amanda on the left has just retired,  then Wendy in the middle has a couple of years , then myself in 5 or 6 and then Jenny on the right. (Depending on how many transferable years we brought in with us and how old we are dictates when we can go.) and how long we can hang on for as old age creeps up!! 

Feels like just  yesterday we were just in the door as new recruits and just a handful of us females in the job. 
We all knew all the other girls in the job,.now every time I turn round there's another new young lass started and I can't keep up with all their names! 

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