Crossing At Diagonals, Maidstone

I had a very tiring week work wise. It also contained a bit of personal history for me as one of the paintings I shot became the most expensive painting I've ever photographed in my whole career. It was a work by Magritte which sold at auction for a tad under £60 million pounds!
Normally on a Saturday I have a restful day but today I managed to do two lots of exercise, go for a pint at the local pub with my brother, take a long walk back from town by the river and take today's images. Today's main image is of one of the footbridges over the Medway and I have always liked it's architectural form. It photographs so well in black and white, which is rather appropriate as it was a very grey day that seemed almost drained of any colour.
The first extra was also taken at a bridge but this time it was under a flyover (I just had to take an image of this because of the great graffiti and the words "Yeah man, I did a lot in the day, but we never took photos"! Someone much less talented has added the fruitier language). The second extra is of the riverside boats in their berths.
By the time I got home from my walk I was exhausted so it was a bit of telly, a glass or two of wine and then a bit of a snooze.

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