
By Brookeside


Today mummy and I went to Amazonia with my friends Lewis and Abbie and their mummies. Amazonia is great! It has all these strange animals I've never seen before like parrots, toucans, bats and turtles! I loved looking at everything and kept trying to touch things. I was desperate to hold onto the fence at the parrot cage but mummy got really scared when I reached out as the parrots can bite off your fingers :( I think I'd like to keep all of mine where they are! After we left Amazonia I was very tired so I slept in the car then we went to tesco to pick up some food and a few things for mummy's friend who is going to have a baby soon. I got to sit in a big trolley and I was very good and didn't complain once (well except for when I dropped the bag of chicken dippers that I insisted on holding the whole way round the store!) nice people kept talking to me and I was pretending to be shy and hiding my face in my hood ;) Mummy just kept laughing and saying I was acting it as I am far from shy!

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