Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica

Mr Gecko... or is it a baby crocodile??

Well, today has been a really busy day and I am extremely tired! I took quite a few different pictures of birds and children today as I was out and about with work, and was contemplating which one to post when Mr Gecko came out from behind the fridge!

For those of you who have lived in Africa, you will know that you share your house with many other creatures, some nice, some not so nice. I share my house with many gecko's and I am quite glad as they eat mosquitoes! They also eat each other mind you and I have seen a large gecko literally swallow a small one whole! Sometimes if you scare them they lose their tails but they tend to grow back.

One night I got into bed and heard a clicking sound so I knew that there was a gecko nearby - almost had a heart attack when it came out from below the pillow!! (especially as I sleep below a mosquito net so he had nowhere to escape to!) The only downside is that they can leave quite a bit of mess sometimes :-(

So very interesting house pets to have! This is not the clearest picture but I love his feet - I hope you do too!

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