Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Cambria Afternoon

This Wisteria (at least, that's what I think it is) was in the parking lot of Linn's, which is a restaurant in the tourist/artist community of Cambria, about 14 miles north of where we're staying in Cayucos.

After taking the three pooches three blocks to the beach, we came back to the house and jumped in the car to head out and have some fun.

The little community park is located catty-corner from the library, so we parked the car in the shade where the three pooches could wait for us. In the library Mr. Fun checked-out some DVDs and CDs, and I purchased some used magazines from the Friends of the Library.

Then we drove a couple blocks to the pier where Mr. Fun went into the community Art Gallery that is located right next to the pier, and then he walked over to the ice cream shop, but the owners had a note in the window that they were closed because of a death in the family.

So when he got back to the car to tell me, I said we could go on back to the house or we take a drive north to Cambria to get an ice cream. He thought driving north sounded good. So we were gone.

Once we got to Cambria, we immediately found a place called the "Village Bean" that advertised coffee, baked goods, smoothies, ice cream, sandwiches and free Wi-Fi. So that's where we stopped to get an ice cream cone and a fabulous cup of coffee. I chose the "salty coast carmel" flavor for my cone. and the salt could certainly be detected, mixed with the creamy sweet it was truly delicious.

Then we drove to the Cambria's coastline to watch the waves for a while. We also saw the ground squirrels playing and in the water the sea otters, and we think we saw a California harbor seal. Then we made the drive back to Cayucos.; we stopped at the Cayucos pier to walk the pooches one more time before arriving at the house to cook dinner.

For dinner I had planned to make taco salad. Then I realized that I had forgot to take the meat from the freezer. We had a package of wieners in the refrigerator, so we made chili dogs. It definitely wasn't what I had planned, but it was good and it was filling.

It's been a crazy-fun spring break Cambria Cayucos Day!

Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and the three pooches), aka Carol

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