Catching the light.

Woke to brilliant sunshine  in a much better mood. Put on my new flame jersey, fed the birds, folded yesterday's laundry and struggled with the Sunday crosswords.  Bought some Rootgrow for my witch hazel when it arrives and a set of spanners,  My lavatory seat is working loose and none of my spanners fit.  Did a tiny bit of gardening and admired the crocuses. No bees, I think it's too cold.  There was sparkling frost everywhere this morning and although it soon vanished it wasn't that warm.  After lunch I went to the Pillars for milk, bread and eggs leaving Roomba in action downstairs.  The car park was full.  That's the trouble with sunshine at the weekend.  Everywhere is full of people. Went up to Heatherhall Woods and parked at Helen's Myre.  The lay by was empty and the first thing I saw was a roe deer making off so I knew I'd have peace and I did.   Only saw one couple and a man with a dog.  Lots of tree photos and a bit too long a walk but it was worth it.  Came home to the usual tea and toast.  Had a read then cleaned the bathroom.  I'm hoping to set Roomba going upstairs while I make dinner then I'll settle down to the Great Pottery Throwdown.  It's the final and I'll be sorry to see it go.

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