Hot chocolate

Tim and I did the most sociable thing today that we've done since the pandemic began - we met up with my friend Sarah and her family in Greenwich Park.  They'd been to a show at the planetarium, so we walked over and met them when it finished, then had a wander round the park with them, a very chilly 'picnic' (AKA eating sandwiches on a bench), and stopped for a hot chocolate at the Pavillion café (where we bumped into a former neighbour, too).  Little Lucy was working hard to get the gooey marshmallows out of the bottom of her cup.  It was so lovely to see them all, and L was a real delight; just such a happy chatty little human!

We came back home after a couple of hours and warmed up with a coffee/tea, then had a pretty relaxing afternoon.  I found a new reserve of energy from somewhere though and cleaned the kitchen, too.  Oh, and gave my Mum a call too. 

Lovely weekend :)  Unfortunately, Tim seems to be coming down with a cold or something now - hope he can shake it before our holiday later this week....

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