So here I am

A lovely warm sunny day! After recent miserable constant rain this was very welcome and I decided to enjoy it by going to Didim for lunch at My Bar. Unfortunately I just missed the bus by seconds so had to wait for a rather dull, but warm and sunny 45 minutes outside the market (photo). 

Back home again mid afternoon and I joined Graham and Kat on their balcony for a drink. It felt so good to sit chatting in the warm sunshine. 

Expecting a quiet evening when Graham and Kat decided they didn't want to cook and invited me to join them for dinner at Casper's restaurant in Didim. What lovely full Sunday roast dinner we had - even my vegetarian one - which rounded off a very pleasant day.

While waiting at the bus stop I thought of 'So here I am' UB40 (1982), the mesmeric repetitive riff ... great stuff

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