La Bélène and a hypothetical future

Mu and I were in an unspoken collusion in terms of the unspeakable.  
We could feel the breath of the beginning of a new half term at our backs and took to the forêt de la Bélène to try to throw it off course.  

Of course you can't, but we suspended it in a small bubble of time between breakfast and Sunday afternoon homework and lesson planning.

The woods were lovely dark and deep and we had very many miles.....
These were spent with Mu planning her future life which was so bucolically beautiful and perfect that we both began to live it.

We were caught in a Forest of Arden moment of suspended future-time. 

When La Bélène spat us out into the field and onto the farm track she insisted that we continue, but I couldn't because the Arden spell was broken and we had lesson planning and homework in front of us.and we both quietly knew it.

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