Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

North to Culloden

48 hour road trip. Leaving the Shire behind, we headed for the falcons at Bin forest but they had flown the coop, so it was on to Spey Bay for a nature fix, via gorging on a pancake bigger than my face at Baxters, before heading to Culloden Battlefield to fill up their history tanks. Och, but thon Charley was a richt dafty with his insistence on an energy sapping abortive night raid on the eve of battle. The new visitor centre is great, but it has taken some of the eerieness and atmosphere away from the bleak moorland that Dave and I visited many years ago.

We travelled on to the highland capital and at dusk walked along the banks of the River Ness and the Ness islands, all lit up like Narnia with old gas lamps and fairy lights. Back for a lovely meal at the riverside, and some wine that went down too nicely, then us four tired folk headed for snoozeland in our (not entirely) fancypants apartment.

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