Nellie Travels

By Padstowbabe

Where are ewe?

This is the wee field beside the farmhouse that I am staying in.

Since I have been here there has been a single ewe in it...I have no idea why! I don't know whether she is in quarantine or due to lamb or what. She and Nellie have a wee conversation twice a day when we pass on dog walks and I am getting used to seeing her...a bit like
Billy and Barry...the home.

Today is a significant day for me. It is the famous three month period since my knee replacement. The time when I was meant to be pain free. Well I'm not...yet. I think it will take a few weeks yet as my muscles are still swollen and a bit sore but I'm sure it will come! I took photos of my knne bent as far as it will go and straight with a view to making it my blip. My knee is still a bit ugly so I decided I wouldn't inflict it on you. However it did show me how good the bend is and how nearly fully straight it is.

Today was dreich....dull and wet! Maybe this shot gives you a flavour of that. Can you spot the ewe?

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