Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

A welcome sight

The last tenants didn’t last long, but we weren’t sorry to see them go. In a small, tight-knit community respect for others is important.

A year ago today I wrote in this journal "I think humanity is on a bad run of luck after Trump, Brexit and Covid."

 On which topic …

Cut and paste from an anonymous source:


our lives are about to change utterly. This century has seen global terror, economic crashes, pandemic and now conflict on a scale unheard of in over 75 years.’"

"But these events all have one thing in common: they have revealed the fragility of the world order. Our interdependency makes it possible for one country to sneeze and the global economy to catch cold. Our continued reliance on gas and oil, our corrupt financial systems that make us all dependent on dirty money, the highly specialised technology that means a shortage of microchips can cause supply to falter, the impossibly complex ways under which food is produced and distributed, the disintegration of democracy as data takes over our lives - all these things demonstrate that what we take for granted is illusion."


because our leaders have failed to lead, because we have been too stupid to challenge them, because we have become obsessed with "progress" rather than meaning and "growth" rather than sustainability."


before it is too late.  The war in Ukraine has shattered the mirror.  Only those whose eyes are open and are willing to change stand a chance of surviving."

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