An Everyday Rocket

By everydayrocket

Solitary Sojourn

After much debate, and reassurance to the parents and white knight, I rocketed down to North Carolina, a six hour drive, solo to spectate at The Fork Horse Trials. Having survived driving through torrential rain to get there, I'm happy to say the weather cleared up nicely, and while I missed day one of dressage, all reports indicate day two was far more enjoyable, if for no other reason than we weren't all soaked to the bone.

I didn't get many pictures, as I spent most of my time simply enjoying the beauty of highly skilled teams of horse and rider. The rest of my time was spent meeting wonderful people, reconnecting with the passion for equine sport that is so evident at competitions like this, and getting properly tipsy at the wine bar, conveniently located adjacent to the tack room of the main barn.

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