
By KateBushIsCool

Coasters from Kent

I went for a walk in Kent today with Elliot. My sat nav took us to some bloody dead end in Chatham to begin with so completely wrong and the screen kept going all dark as well but eventually we found Shorne Woods Country Park. I hadn't intended to go to the kind of woods which has a paying car park and gift shop but there you go. It was nice and when we managed to get off the beaten track it was lovely. There was a teenager on a motorbike at one point so that did stir up some anxiety for a while but he didn't run us over so it was okay. Calm resumed. In the gift shop there were loads of amazing dog and cat coasters. I knew I had to have one but El bought me these four! I am saving them for best. If George sees them they will be ruined in minutes.

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