The Ring

After yesterday's blip where I showed you my anniversary present from mrsfb I thought it only right that I should follow up with a photo of the ring I got for her. After all it is Tiny Tuesday and the ruby is, well, tiny :-)
In hindsight maybe we should have taken the design she liked to a jeweller and got them to copy it with a bigger stone. Mrsfb loves it though, so it's OK.

We a had nice time in the sunshine yesterday at Batsford. I had a super chocolate, pear and hazelnut cake and it was warm enough to sit outside on the terrace. Not so nice today. We'll have to stop going to Batsford though. We get in for 'free' as we bought annual memberships but each time we go we we buy something for the garden. Last time it was a teddy, this time a gnome, who I'm sure will feature soon on a blip.

Camera club was interesting last night, even though it was about AV presentations, not something I can see myself getting into. It was a strange evening in a way in that at the start a lot of members were wearing masks, but as the evening wore on it became fewer and fewer, and by the end no one was wearing one, including me.

One year ago:
Old Fashioned?

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