Father in Law

He is here again. Yay!!
He is looking for somewhere to live here which has led to exciting trips out looking at houses.

I keep looking at houses for us. I should stop.

I am still a bit ruffled from a blip comment yesterday. I have reflected and decided this is my blip and I shall talk and record what felt important on that day.

I do this for me and if you look and enjoy and even comment then I appreciate that greatly.

I am not chasing ratings and spotlight though. I don't have the talent of Max Ellis or the humour of JaneW. I am me. I like politics. I have since I was young. I have studied sociology at degree level so it's bound to interest me and anger me.

What I have learnt this week is that people are very blinkered, people are quick to shout with no back up argument, people are often stupid and stubborn.

I actually added on a Facebook comment I made after I was being shot down in flames by my cousin who lives on disability benefits .... (How does someone in that situation still end up defending the Tories) that there were something's she did that were not all bad. Still I got shouted at. It's like people fall into the same old comfortable patterns. Ah you are looney left and I am right.

I am not really left though.... Well I am more left than right but I think I sit somewhere just off centre. I would vote for Glenda Jackson but I would not vote for Ed Milliband. What a noxious politician he is turning into. Maybe I am left. I just want a bit of fairness.

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