
By LauraMR

Free Ukraine

At Salvini's arrival at the station of the town (Poland) about ten kilometers on the border with Ukraine, the mayor of the city first thanked Italy and then showed a T-shirt with Putin's face, and turning to Salvini said: "I don't want to receive you, come with me to the border to condemn him".

Even a small group of Italians challenged Salvini shouting: "Buffone (= clown)".

He had worn the shirt in 2015, basically saying that he preferred Putin to Mattarella, that our great President was worth half a mafia war criminal!

He has not yet condemned Putin, and he didn't today: Buffone said that he was there to bring "aid and peace".

Now that he cannot campaign by imitating Putin, he tries to do so by imitating (in a disgusting and not at all empathetic way) the pope.

Thanks to him I managed to get a good laugh! Now I hope he continues his walk to Motherland Russia, so finally the slices of salami will fall out of his eyes!

P.s. the same pilgrimage should also be done by some political areas of the left and Grillo...

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